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Knitting Into the Mystery of Healing



Sept. 23 – Nov. 25, 2020



April 14 – June 16, 2021

7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Coming together to knit a prayer shawl is a popular and delightful way to be present to others in prayer and socializing. The beauty and colour of the completed shawls and the friendships developed are truly a cause for rejoicing. Each shawl is blessed with prayer upon completion.

Cost: Free will offering


Facilitator: Sharon Hagel

You're Stronger Than You Think-Renew Your Mind, Renew Your Life

Saturday, November 21

1:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.

In Romans 12:2 St. Paul says that you can be "transformed by the renewal of your mind".  Harley will share the valuable faith-filled insights he has employed to overcome destructive thinking and behavior and rise to a new level of freedom and happiness.

Harley will stir your imagination with a fresh and intuitive look at the beautiful, timeless truths of the faith that are designed to liberate our minds from the grip of negative thinking, debilitating anxiety and fear.  Harley will explain how these time tested spiritual strategies will increase your ability to cope with these strange and uncertain times we are facing.

Cost: $40 


Facilitator: Harley Packer

Advent Twilight Retreat

Monday, November 30

4:45 p.m. — 9 p.m.

O Lord, seize us with your power and light, 
help us to protect all life, 
to prepare for a better future, 
for the coming of your Kingdom
 of justice, peace, love and beauty.
 Praise be to you! Amen (taken from Christian prayer in union with creation)
Based on the themes found in Laudato Si, Praise Be to You (Encyclical Letter of the Holy Father Francis) we will reflect on the “Gospel of Creation.” We will delve into the relationship of creation, the Incarnation, and the Annunciation as we wait in this season of Advent.  Our evening will be a time for pondering in silence and for sharing of insights as we continue to consider the meaning of this Advent in our lives after this pandemic.

Cost: $45 (includes supper)


Facilitator: Ellen Wagner, Mark Nixon

Exploring Forgiveness: One Day Silent Retreat


Saturday, Dec. 12

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.



Saturday, March 13

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

This one-day silent retreat would involve exploring forgiveness through meditation.  There are three types of forgiveness: exploring forgiveness within ourselves, asking for forgiveness from another and the possibility of forgiving another.  The day will include exploring forgiveness from the perspective of loving-kindness and curiosity while embracing the stillness of the moment.  Please arrive early to register and bring a floor mat and blanket.

“Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past” – Author Unknown

Cost: $65 (lunch included)


Facilitator: Hailey Pinksen

Six Degrees of Meditation

Wednesdays (6 weeks)


January 13, 20, 27, February 10, 17, 24 


7 p.m. – 8:30 pm

This six-week program explores what Hailey calls the six degrees of meditation.  The course will explore the topics of Leadership, Resilience, Present Moment, Courage, Creativity and Gratitude and how they all connect back to meditation and mindfulness.   Exploring the six degrees of meditation and the whispers of insight Meditation offers.  Meditation is the acquaintance link to awareness and insight.

Cost: $65


Facilitator: Hailey Pinksen

Enhancing Your Spiritual Intelligence – Introduction


Tuesdays, January 19, 26
OFFERING 2: Wednesdays, March 10, 17


7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

In these times of disruption, upheaval, and brokenness people are looking for deeper answers and profound ways to navigate change and influence their personal, social, and global world for the better. Although we have been in disruptive times before, society continues to use old patterns that are not working. As Otto Scharmer said, “We are collective colluding in creating a future nobody wants.”
Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) is defined as the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the situation. (Cindy Wigglesworth)
Many people are familiar with IQ (Intelligence Quotient), a person’s rational, problem-solving intelligence and EQ (Emotional Intelligence), focused on awareness and management of emotions. SQ connects a person to their higher intelligence, allowing them to find meaning and a purpose greater than themselves.
The SQ model describes 21 measurable skills that are divided into four quadrants covering: awareness of our higher self versus the ego, self mastery, universal awareness, and spiritual presence. SQ is a relatively new field, and research is showing that SQ amplifies our IQ and EQ and has many personal and business benefits.

Cost: $90


Facilitator: Kathy MacFarlane

Spirituality for a Winter’s Night

Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11


7 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.

Teresa and Vincent present Fr. Ron Rolheiser’s 3 lectures on DVD “Dark Nights and Doubts in Our Lives” (2011) where he takes us on a “journey out of the darkness so many of us have experienced recently, back into the light.” With lectio divina, prayer, and song each evening, we will open the coming Sunday’s gospel, listen to one another’s experiences, enjoy a break and discuss Fr. Ron’s talk. With the pandemic so present, Fr. Ron’s wisdom is particularly pastoral for our hearts, bodies, minds and spirits. All are welcome!

Cost: $75


Facilitator: Teresa and Vincent Hanlon

Moment by Moment

Saturday, February 13

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

This annual favourite is a one-day silent retreat that gives participants a time to step away from the regular pace of life and practice present-moment awareness.  Cheryl will provide pointers on opening to the beauty and peace that is with us in each moment of our lives through reducing the unnecessary chatter in our minds and opening to our natural inspiration.  Please arrive early to register and bring a floor mat and blanket.

Cost: $75 (lunch included)


Facilitator: Cheryl Dick

Living Buddha, Living Christ

Weekly Spiritual Practice and Discussion Group

Thursdays (8 weeks)


February 18 to April 8


7 - 8:30 p.m.

Using Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic book “Living Buddha, Living Christ” as a guide, explore the connections between Christianity and Buddhism through both contemplative practices and lived belief and experience.  (Vickie MacArthur serves as a lay minister in the Community of Christ and has also been blessed to study and attend many retreats in the Plum Village tradition with Thich Nhat Hanh for the past ten years.)

Cost: $65


Facilitator: Vickie MacArthur

Loving Kindness Retreat

Friday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m. to

Sunday, Feb. 28, 1 p.m.

As the qualities of loving kindness and compassion are developed through the practice of mindfulness and meditation on universal love, one acquires an inner capacity for patience, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness. There will be periods on instruction, sitting and walking meditation, plus instructional talks. Beginners are welcome.

Cost: $225


Facilitator: Bob Campbell

Lenten Twilight Retreat

Monday, March 1

4:45 p.m. — 9 p.m.

The parable of the Devil’s Disguise by Edward Hays will provide the foundation for us to “embrace the healing cross”.  Being able to identify where we, as a society and as individuals, embrace false love is one way to see the True Love in the cross - Jesus Christ.  During this season of Lent, will we be open to the healing power of His Love? Our evening will be a time for reflecting in silence and for the sharing of insights as we continue to ponder the shadow of the cross in the light of the resurrection after the Covid 19 pandemic.

Cost: $45 (includes supper)


Facilitator: Ellen Wagner, Mark Nixon

Book Study:  Buddha’s Brain – The practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom

Tuesdays (8 weeks)

March 2 to April 20


7 - 8:30 p.m.

This very practical, informative and rich book highlights the scientific research showing the benefits to our brain, relationships and spiritual life of Mindfulness and Meditation.  Authors Rick Hanson, Ph.D., and Richard Mendius, M.D., also provide hands-on practices that lead to these proven outcomes.  This session will combine study of the book with trying out the approaches Hanson and Mendius prescribe. Please purchase the book in advance and read the Foreward through Chapter 1 – The Self-Transforming Brain prior to attending the first class.

Cost: $85 (purchase book in advance)


Facilitator: Cheryl Dick

Contemplation on the Lord’s Prayer Retreat

Saturday, March 20


9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Everyday millions of Christians around the world recite the Lord’s Prayer. Yet, how many of us actually give any real thought to what the words of the prayer actually mean? This weekend retreat will explore the words of the prayer, their meaning and how reciting the prayer can become a more meaningful and contemplative experience. There will be periods of discussion, prayer, reflection and contemplation.

Cost: $65


Facilitator: Bob Campbell

“Seeing Mary Magdalene with New Eyes”: A Meditative Day


Saturday, April 17



Thursday, July 22


9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Forever “apostle to the apostles,” Mary Magdalene is no longer portrayed by the Church as a prostitute. In 2016, after 14 centuries of the Church’s misrepresentation of this disciple of Christ, Pope Francis elevated her memorial, July 22, to a “Feast” status like that of the other apostles, reiterating her ancient title Apostola Apostolorum.
Who was this woman apostle and what might be the significance of her discipleship for your life’s journey? With lectio divina, some recent Christian and Jewish scholarship, elements of ritual, silence, and Betsey Beckman’s DVD of Magdalene at the tomb, we will prayerfully explore her life, witness, friendship with and faith-filled understanding of Jesus and his teachings.
Come meet Mary of Magdala. Get to know a friend of Jesus and a missionary of the resurrected Christ. Experience what led to her proclaiming the good news, “I have seen the Lord.”

Cost: $65


Facilitator: Teresa Hanlon

A Deepening, Intensive Retreat in Centering Prayer

Friday, April 23, 7 p.m.


Sunday, April 25, noon

Enrich your practice of Centering Prayer in this three-day intensive retreat and deepen your relationship with the living Christ. This silent retreat will include several periods of centering every day interspersed with meditation walks. There will be periods of scriptural discursive meditation (lectio divina) as well as visual presentations by Thomas Keating, Richard, Rohr, and other spiritual teachers.



Facilitator: Pat Boehm

Deepening Wisdom: A Celebration

Saturday, May 15


9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

This is a full day follow up for women who participated in The Woman’s Wisdom Quest the previous season (and is designed to occur several months later). Using mandalas (visual metaphors) created during the Quest, this day will be a celebration of wisdom embodied. Each participant will share the story of her quest: the pathway followed, the challenges overcome, the wisdom discovered and unleashed, and the impact on the world. Through these archetypal stories, we will begin to see the emergence of a community of Wise Women and their luminous embodiment of the Sacred Feminine.

Cost: $65


Facilitator: Deborah Eastlick

Nurture Your Roots: “Rooted…Connected….Growing”

Saturday, May 29


9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Using the metaphor of trees as inspiration, learn how to stay rooted during difficult times, while connected and growing in community.  Spend time with trees to learn what they can teach us about life.  
A day of meditation, poetry, gentle embodied movement and music centered around trees.


Cost: $65


Facilitator: Vickie MacArthur

Beyond Loving Kindness: Meditation on Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity

Wednesday, June 2, 7 p.m.


Sunday, June 6, 1 p.m.

As one develops deep and abiding feelings of loving kindness towards oneself and others, there is a natural progression towards developing strong feelings of compassion for the world and all sentient beings. This is accompanied by joyful feelings towards others and their accomplishments and feelings of inner peace and calmness as we face the daily challenges of life. We are able to sense and feel the inter-connectedness and divine nature that permeates all life on Earth. This five day, guided, silent retreat will focus on exploring these qualities of spiritual growth within our own life experience. The retreat will be of benefit for those meditators who have attended one or more silent meditation retreats and who have a regular meditation practice.

Cost: $350


Facilitator: Bob Campbell

Still Green and Growing: A Spirituality for our Wisdom Years

Friday, June 11, 7:30 p.m. to

Sunday, June 13, 1 p.m.

We all face three challenges in life: how to live life to the full, how to age graciously, and how to die well. The last two challenges are becoming more urgent, as we are living longer lives but lack a spirituality for our wisdom years. This retreat, based on Archbishop Sylvain’s new book to be published in the spring, will address these challenges. It will be a blend of his thoughts and experiences with the teachings of Ron Rolheiser OMI and Richard Rohr OFM who are leading the way in this area. The retreat will focus on personal growth, inner healing and human development from the perspective of the second half of our lives.

Cost: $285


Facilitator: Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie OMI

We Are All Treaty People

Sunday, July 11, 7 p.m.


Wednesday, July 14, 1 p.m.


This four-day and three-night retreat will provide an opportunity to immerse oneself into the history, culture and world view of the Blackfoot peoples here in Southern Alberta. Using the medicine wheel (Spirit, Emotion, Body, Mind) as a reflective means, we will explore indigenous spirituality and enhanced guided tours of Helen Schuler Nature Center, Fort Whoop-Up, Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and Kanai Blood Tribe, Blood Indian Reserve No. 148.

Cost: $560 (accommodation/meals/tours included)


Facilitator: Mark Nixon

​© 2023 Martha Retreat Centre Society

1130 Scenic Drive South, Lethbridge, Alberta, CA, T1K 7J1

Tel: 403-328-3422


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