Who are Martha Associates?
Martha Associates are women and men who identify with the mission and values of the Sisters of St. Martha.
They affiliate for the purpose of assisting each other in deepening their relationship with God, others, and the universe.
The association provides an opportunity for all to come to a deeper understanding of the Christian call, so that in responding to life situations we will try and act with the mind and heart of Jesus.
History of the Martha Associates
The idea of Associates for the Sisters of St. Martha was first brought forward in a formal way in the 1973 General Chapter. In the Fall of 1978 the congregation initiated Martha Associates, a process involving laity, sisters, and clergy in a mutual sharing of the baptismal commitment. Visit https://themarthas.com/join-us-associate.php for further details.
In 1980, the first Associates group began at Martha Community in Sydney, Nova Scotia. More faith groups formed in Nova
Scotia, including Trenton, Glace Bay, Eskasoni, and Sydney Mines. Western Associated groups formed in Kamloops, Calgary, and Lethbridge. In Lethbridge, the Martha Retreat Centre and St. Monica's Convent each had a group for many years. When the Sisters were called to sell the convent the Monica Associates gratefully joined the Retreat Centre Associates and we became the Lethbridge Associates in 2011.
During faith gatherings the Sister's graciously shared their spiritual wisdom and resources. The Associates shared their wisdom and knowledge around family life and world affairs. The experience is a mutual sharing of our lives and our faith. Through reflection and prayer everyone grows to deepen their relationship with God, others, and the universe.
The Sisters left in July 2019 leaving the Lethbridge Associates feeling a huge void. Their presence is deeply missed and cannot be replaced; however, they left believing that together we are grounded through the power of prayer, undaunted hope and our common Martha heart.
Associate service/ministry at the Centre and the Community
Associates volunteer at the Martha Retreat Centre and in our community. At the Martha Retreat Centre we serve on the following volunteer teams:
Hospitality Team
Prayer Team
Grounds Team
Building Team
We widen our circle of gospel hospitality volunteering with other not-for-profit organizations in and around Southern Alberta.
As Martha Associates we aspire to model the Sister's devotion to serve God through gospel hospitality and compassion for all. We are enriched through volunteering and grateful that God enables us to respond to our baptismal call.
Martha Associates Symbol
This symbol was approved by General Council Feb 11-14, 1986.
Meaning of our symbol: The twin sails on the sailboat represent the Sisters of St. Martha and the Associates journey together on the restless sea of life under the protection of St. Martha. The sails come together to form the letter "M".
Martha Associate Prayer
Gracious God, as members of the Martha Associates we believe that Your call is written in the signs of the times. In gratitude for the many years of mutual sharing of our Baptismal call, we rejoice and celebrate.
May we continue through the radical call of the Gospel to be inspired by the Martha Charism, and the Mission, Vision and Value Statements.
In hospitality and companionship with each other, let us be challenged and blessed as we step into future and with undaunted hope. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ.