Dear donor,
Your generosity contributed to a great year at Martha Retreat Centre! Thank you for being a part of the Martha Retreat Centre Society through your gift of giving.
We continued to welcome people to the Centre, seeing several new people coming with a curiosity as to what we offer and who we are. Over 2900 people visited the Centre this last year, as a part of our programs and services. Friday Prayer Nights in March focused on praying for the world leaders with specific intentions for the needs of the people in Ukraine. With Irena, our Executive Assistant, being from Ukraine, our hearts were moved to act upon what we could do for her, her family and her country. Coming together for weekly prayer nights was empowering.
A highlight of the year was a visit from 5 Sisters of St. Martha from Antigonish, NS. Sister Josie wrote, “Everything is so inviting and the people there are so special. May you continue to believe and respond so that more and more will find the hidden treasure that you are offering.” You are a part of growing this “hidden treasure,” thank you!
We are grateful for the support of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha as we strive towards the goal of sustainability. This is a year of expectancy!
Together we are “Creating an inclusive and nurturing Centre, offering stillness and peace”.
With heartfelt thanks for your contribution to the success of 2022, we look forward to continuing our journey together throughout 2023 and beyond.
Abundant peace,
Diana Sim
Executive Director