Time & Location
Time is TBD
1130 Scenic Dr S, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7J1, Canada
About the Event
Stillness is a gift that keeps on giving. As you take time to step away from busyness you nurture your spirit as you explore the value of silence. At Martha Retreat Centre the environment creates opportunity to discover your internal wisdom. The beauty of the outdoors, a meditative journey through the Labyrinth, prayer time in the chapel, rest in the accommodations cultivates time for you and your spiritual growth. Create your own personal retreat day or request some guidance. Choose to rest and reflect to renew your spirit. You are provided a private room and you have access to the Library, the Chapel, the Labyrinth and the beautiful grounds, the dining hall, the Gathering Room (as availability permits). “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there IS peace.”
$70.00 (one day retreat includes lunch). Payment options include: cash, cheque at the Centre; e-transfer to or below Pay Pal with service fee included. If you have any problems with payment options, please contact the Centre.
Registration forms are to be completed for personal retreats. Availability and pricing is determined upon receiving the registration form.