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Contemplative Garden

Contemplative Garden Project

Help us make a difference.

  • This project will provide the opportunity to expand current programming. Garden to Table programming will be added, learning sessions will include teachable moments from preparation to enjoying the produce.

  • Minimal pesticides will be used.

  • The ability to use food waste through composting will assist in the reduction of waste to the landfill.

  • Volunteers will be engaged throughout this project. A UofL Masters student has been approved for Applied Studies credit to work on this project. Expertise in Urban Planning and horticulture will be beneficial in the development of the planning stages of this Project.

  • Martha Retreat Centre is in a transitional stage in its history. Martha Retreat Centre Society was established in 2018, receiving charitable status in 2020. The goal is to become a sustainable Centre that meets growing and diverse needs of people in our community.

  • Collaborations and additional funding sources are in developmental stages. A contemplative garden is one of the innovative ways to increase the capacity of the Centre in our service to community members.

I would like to donate towards following fund:

Garden returns 50x the investment you put into it. Not just food, but joy, peace and a real connection with creation. A spiritual retreat from a noisy world and hurried people. Lets build a contemplative garden together.


Benefits of investing your time and resources
  • Food sustainability for the Centre
  • Impact lives of many
  • Support diverse needs of people in our community
  • Create a space of rest and peace in a weary world
  • Nurture mental health
  • Help increase the capacity of the Centre in our service to community members
  • Make new friends, build a community
If you would like to know more about the Contemplative/food garden project or if you would like to partner with us don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your donation!

​© 2023 Martha Retreat Centre Society

1130 Scenic Drive South, Lethbridge, Alberta, CA, T1K 7J1

Tel: 403-328-3422


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